I love it! want to sap it all up like a big sponge…. most artist don’t give anything away as we are sometimes shy and sometime over gregarious creators…. so it’s difficult…..

My influences are pretty much EVERYTHING, but if I had to pick ... it would be ... Mira Schendel, Nancy Spero, Hannah Höch (but i’m not that great with a needle yet), Guerrilla girls, Barbara Kruger, Gee Vaucher (a friend of mine gave me a punk book) and bit of Bauhaus ( a-levels) … I love Graffiti art especially Ella and Pitr huge illustrative graffiti pieces, Etam Cru epic street-art murals and German graffiti artist Zebrating who uses railings and public spaces as his canvas.

The list is endless really, oh and Sally Hewett's Embroidered body parts (AMAZING), highlights: cancer, genitalia (positive, sometime negative), sexy, and how we take our selves for granted and dismiss ourselves…… plus Gabriel Moreno's beautiful illustrations, they are beautiful about life but also about love...

P.S. wrote this will spell check as i”m rubbish at speeling.